First prize for Jolan and Cheeky calf

Today was Waimauku School AG(ricultural) day. For those cityslickers who do not know what AG day is, it is a school day where all school children have the opportunity to showcase their hand-reared calf, lamb or chicken along with a variety of other categories for those unable to rear an animal.

Jolan entered with her calf “Cheeky”. Cheeky is only 5 weeks old, a Herefold-Fresian crossbreed. She has been very sick about two weeks ago and we almost lost her. Thanks to North Vets for their help all went well.

Both girls got two cups, three ribbons and an honours award
Jolan and Cheeky

Here are the proud winners. The two girls got three ribbons, two cups and an honours award together with a $20 Westfield gift card.

Twice first place, once second place, two cups and an Honours Certificate... Well done girls.
Prize collection

Here are some more impressions from Ag Day.

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