Spring came and went, Summer took over without much changing.
It’s still raining every other day and the sun shines intermittently. But on the bright side that has made all the grass grow.
On a regular basis you need to check up on your animals, fences and water systems. But what is better than combining that with a dog goat run and some picnic?
The weather has turned from somewhat wet and warm to rather wet and cold. The horses have been rugged up just like the goats. The rodent infestation has become noticeable, so we started putting up more traps on top of the traps and bait stations we already had.
This year was special and I had not yet seen the water that high. Kumeu and Waimauku townships flooded too and other suburbs in West Auckland. For some it was pretty bad and I feel sorry for the affected people – and animals.
Who likes the weather when it’s raining and storming outside? No one – well, maybe the odd people that are happy that their grass is growing, like us humans inside. Oh, and the ducks! The ducks love it.