Our animals – Cows

Cows and alpacas in front of sunset

Our moos are well looked after and super spoilt. They're keen on , they are inquisitive and nosy, but tend to keep a bit of a distance to visitors, unless you have a feed bucket with you. Our calves have been hand reared by the kids.

It's somewhat funny to see that all their characters are totally different all the time. Some were shy, some were like lapdogs or on a leech and some were… well, kind of what you would expect – a bit shy but nosy and playful.

Beginning of August 2023 we got 2 new calves – Caramello and Caramilk. They are now united with big mommy moo but are still pretty tame.

Latest blog posts featuring our cows and calves

The sun has been more prevalent and the odd shower has helped all plants to grow a lot. It's nice to see so much fresh green in various shades
Half of January is over, and you be wondering what we have been up to.
Bring on the challenges, 2024. It won't always be easy, there may be hard work, there may be tears, but we will grow stronger together.