Tag: garden

The month is almost over and has been rather eventful. From rain to sunshine to torrential rain again and alpaca shearing in between.
Today, we made an attempt of getting the ducks out of the duck run and into the garden for some bug and snail control. They were not too keen to get out and needed convincing, some of them we simply had to literally throw out.
The warm and humid weather produced lovely field mushrooms to be harvested. Earlier we harvested basil, limes and potatoes.
It’s been rather wet, foggy and cold in the last couple of days. The cats spent more time inside and expressing a form of cabin fever when awake but they are mostly asleep.The horses are asking for more food, the chickens are hiding in their house and the ducks – well, the ducks are in their element.
Nothing much really has happened over the last few weeks and hence our updates have been rather sparse. One thing did happen however: Think it really turned spring.
Another summer has gone by and autumn came, dry and cold.
I love details, hence macro photography is always a cool thing for me. Here’s a picture of one of our common visitors, a praying mantis. While common, I still find them fascinating little critters.
Spring soon will turn into summer and the weather during the day is already so awesome.
Found this Praying Mantis on our gumboot holder, eating a wasp and managed to get a nice close-up picture of her and her pray.
Although summer is officially over, it almost feels like spring. Flowers in the garden and in the paddocks, raspberries, and chillies are ripening.
This year, the nice, hot weather started already mid November and by now, we had no rain for 5 weeks and all local water carriers are booked out until end of January. Finally we had some rain and that filled the tank almost up again so we can enjoy the festive season finally without worrying.
This is the view from the guest lounge tonight. I had to share this. What a beautiful spring day we had today. Picked up old posts that we will turn into garden planter walls and landscape features then moved the alpacas around the paddocks and had a lovely afternoon tea on the deck in between. I so love spring.