Tag: cheeky

Shady our little Bush Pegasus has peacefully crossed the rainbow bridge today. We are so glad he was able to go gracefully and peacefully with all of us and his best mate Rusty by his side.
Apart from the usual winter farm activities, there has not been much exciting stuff happening. It’s been a typical winter with lots of rain, lots of mud but rather warm in comparison. It looks like nature has decided that it is spring.
If not doing office work, we fix fences, move animals around, collect, cut and chop firewood, dig trenches, build goat houses ;-) and fix all sorts of things that break over time.
Drove down into the valley today to check up on the alpacas and the cheeky moo.
Every year our daughter’s school holds an agricultural day, where the children have to raise a farm animal and show it at school. Jolan has created a video diary about her calf Cheeky. I think she’s done an awesome job with her idea, have a look and enjoy.
Today was Waimauku School AG(ricultural) day. For those cityslickers who do not know what AG day is, it is a school day where all school children have the opportunity to showcase their hand-reared calf, lamb or chicken along with a variety of other categories for those unable to rear an animal.
Mr. Shady is happy in the new grass strip. Just two weeks ago the alpacas have been in there and kept it nice and short so he does not get overexcited. After all that rain, the ground is getting better and the grass has been growing since. It must have been drowned in water before.
Our new calfies have arrived last Sunday. So cute they are. They have not picked the best weather – it has been raining for a few days and all is soaking wet. I remember last year was beautiful and they were enjoying fresh spring grass. They also arrived earlier. Looks like all is later this year.