Tag: people

Bring on the challenges, 2024. It won’t always be easy, there may be hard work, there may be tears, but we will grow stronger together.
February was thought to finally bring summer. What it brought instead was more rain – and storm.
This year marks the first time that it was not us adults doing the wreath but our daughter herself with only very little guidance.
Within days, the hot summer weather had moved on and made space for moderate temperatures with rain and fog.
The warm and humid weather produced lovely field mushrooms to be harvested. Earlier we harvested basil, limes and potatoes.
Erwien came back this years with a new bunch of ducklings and proudly presented them, just like last year. She’s such a good mummy.
It’s been a few rather wet days. Some with intermittent sunshine but not enough to dry up the ground yet. The cats use the sunny breaks to go outside but other than that they seem to be in hibernation.
This year was special and I had not yet seen the water that high. Kumeu and Waimauku townships flooded too and other suburbs in West Auckland. For some it was pretty bad and I feel sorry for the affected people – and animals.
It’s been rather wet, foggy and cold in the last couple of days. The cats spent more time inside and expressing a form of cabin fever when awake but they are mostly asleep.The horses are asking for more food, the chickens are hiding in their house and the ducks – well, the ducks are in their element.
Saturday was the day of the bi-annual alpaca maintenance
What a joy and surprise that was when a few days ago Erwien showed up with a boyfriends and a whole bunch of fluffy ducklings.
Who likes the weather when it’s raining and storming outside? No one – well, maybe the odd people that are happy that their grass is growing, like us humans inside. Oh, and the ducks! The ducks love it.