Tag: landscape

Summer has come to an official end, and one can tell. The nights are getting colder, the fog in the morning gets more, although beautiful to watch.
Half of January is over, and you be wondering what we have been up to.
A walk on our local backyard beach, Muriwai Beach. Home to a gannet colony and lovely black sand with beautiful sunsets across the ocean.
Crisp winter mornings are fun to watch with the fog and the clouds moving, building up and disappearing again.
Found some Rosellas and Mr Naughty was over at the neighbour’s and was thinking what to do with the pheasants but decided quickly to let them be and carry on.
A memorable sunset // NZ commences a few weeks of ‘lockdown’ in attempt to flatten the curve to fight Coronavirus.
Sometimes we have pretty little visitors, like those rosellas, parakeets or phesants. Today some rosellas flew by and landed on the deck balustrade.
They hang around, don’t go too far away from their herd and very easily follow you back into the paddock after you opened the gate for them.
Tatjana took a lovely picture this morning and it’s too cool not to share it. Makes you appreciate nature and our lovely spot again. And another example that mornings can be very special and energizing, even though Tatjana would not agree on that one.
This is just an example of the lovely sunsets here.