It’s been rather wet, foggy and cold in the last couple of days. The cats spent more time inside and expressing a form of cabin fever when awake but they are mostly asleep.
The horses are asking for more food, the chickens are hiding in their house and the ducks – well, the ducks are in their element.
The humans are spending more time inside, too. More time for experimental cooking – which sometimes does not work out that well, attempting home-made limoncello (did I mention all the limes have now fallen off the tree?) and finally having some time for the odd Xbox game.
The ducks seem to be so happy about the weather that they decided to be in a spring-like mood and laying eggs with no end. Anybody interested in eggs?
We are doing omelette and egg-rich pancakes, but still having way too many.
I have added a few animal pictures for good measure.