We harvested potatoes earlier this week and put some back into the ground for next year. The basil has grown into a tree-like bush, so we had to make something out of it and tried 2 different basil pesto recipes. The limes on our lime tree are ready for harvest as well but so far, we had enough just by picking up the ones that fell on the ground.
Earth provides. So thankful for what we have. Let's all look after the planet, the air, the water and the soil.
Field mushrooms
White button field mushrooms are growing everywhere in the paddocks now. It's warm and humid, exactly what they need.
Limes are ready
The next harvest of limes is ready on the tree.
Not edible but pretty
Mushrooms are growing everywhere at the moment. So pretty some of them are.
Still busy bees around
The lavender is booming now, and the neighbour's bees are busy on it
BBQ Time
Self-hunted venison backstrap with own potatoes on the BBQ.
Yet another sunset
Another sunset to be admired.
Basil (tree)
The basil has grown so much!