Our new pet

The kids adore him and he is not scared but is growing well. He is the only one left out of three that we found originally. But he’s growing strong and eats well – and very loudly so. The kids feed him and look after him and are cleaning his cage regularly.

At feeding time you have to watch him constantly, he’s a very fast runner with his long legs that are usually hidden underneath his furry tummy.
The other day Jolan just left him on the towel on the floor to get some more food – and gone he was. We found him back in a gap between a book shelf and a wall and the kids managed to operate him out of it, the spikes were proving to be barb like in the gap and even Hog could not get out on his own. But all went well and he’s out there.

The kids want to keep him – I am not too sure about it, but after all he’s very tame and does not curl up any more – so cute!

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