Waiting for the storm

Waiting for the storm to come. Some rain would be really good, hope it won’t be too windy. Last time we were hit by a storm it was not fun. Everyone here survived, and mostly no damage other than some broken chook house and some possibly traumatised chooks.
Hope everyone will be fine.

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September came and marked the beginning of spring. Two days prior however it was the coldest night of the year with frost on the car windscreen.
We had flooding and cylones. The ducks have been the only very happy creatures but they turned their area into a slimy, muddy mess.Guess that sums up the last few months.
February was thought to finally bring summer. What it brought instead was more rain – and storm.
Apart from the usual winter farm activities, there has not been much exciting stuff happening. It’s been a typical winter with lots of rain, lots of mud but rather warm in comparison. It looks like nature has decided that it is spring.
The warm and humid weather produced lovely field mushrooms to be harvested. Earlier we harvested basil, limes and potatoes.
We have not seen much rain in more than 2 months now but rather hot, sunny weather with wind. Both dries out the land, particularly the hillsides facing the Kaipara where the wind blows from and which the hot afternoon sun hits.