Tag: drainage

It’s the time of the year again. It’s very dry, the soggy paddocks have dried up and it’s the perfect time to dig out all the drains.
Time to head into the valley and do some paddock maintenance. Checking fences and gates, continued to dig a drainage trench, checked up on the alpacas and moos, mowed some swamp grass and sprayed some other areas of swap grass. Chopped some firewood, loaded up the trainer and brought it back up to the house to keep us warm over the next couple of days.
Spring has just sprung and it’s getting time for tidy ups – spring time cleaning but outside.
Not that we lost winter in a hole, but the valley got so soggy over the years that we used the still good autumn weather to dig drainage in preparation for the wet winter time.
After almost months of no rain and hardly any grass growth, we finally have some rain. Some. I guess it may be classified as another 1:50 years storm of which we should be prepared to have more, more