Evening light in the valley

Just a short post – wanting to share the amazing light in the valley tonight.

Low light in the valley

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Spring came and went, Summer took over without much changing. It’s still raining every other day and the sun shines intermittently. But on the bright side that has made all the grass grow.
The weather is getting warmer, the mud on the ground has disappeared, the grass has been growing lots, making animals and people are happy.
September came and marked the beginning of spring. Two days prior however it was the coldest night of the year with frost on the car windscreen.
February was thought to finally bring summer. What it brought instead was more rain – and storm.
On a regular basis you need to check up on your animals, fences and water systems. But what is better than combining that with a dog goat run and some picnic?
Apart from the usual winter farm activities, there has not been much exciting stuff happening. It’s been a typical winter with lots of rain, lots of mud but rather warm in comparison. It looks like nature has decided that it is spring.