The seasons are changing. Summer went and Easter and Autumn came around. The valley is filled with fog those mornings, the geese are flying in flocks – not even sure where from and where to.
We have been starting to prepare for winter to come, firewood was brought up from the valley, the stuff we felled several years ago. Finally made it into ringe for splitting and was split by Janus, ready for stacking. It is slowly getting too wet to drive down into the woods and valley.
The haylage for the horses was brought in and stacked, 32 bales should hopefully last until spring. At 30kgs or so per bale, that made almost a ton of feed – no pun intended 😉
We also got the digger back into tidy up the areas around the calf shelter for some exciting new arrivals. Soon we will add some dwarf goats to our collection of animals. Just a few more weeks.
We did our traditional Easter egg hunt in the pine patch with family and friends. This time last year COVID-19 was also raging in NZ and we were in lockdown level 4.