Tag: farm

I have lost count as to what day we are in but it does not really matter at the end of the day. Life continues not necessarily as normal but almost normal. Feels a little bit like holidays at home with a bit of working in between. Late breakfasts with more cooked stuff than normal, like GF pancakes, GF waffles, fried breakfast etc.
Mr bunny was terribly sorry this year, he had an accident and lost all of his eggs on the way through a hole in his bag. So all the lovely easter eggs are now spread across most of the farm, ~10 acres.
It’s been a long time we had some cute calfies arriving here. Yesterday was the day 3x cute new calfies arriving. They walked down the driveway into the shelter and are now happily mixing and mingling with the horses.
One afternoon, there was Wasabi waddling around the paddock and there was a bunch of fluffballs tumbling after her, 15 little duckling.
The last few months were pretty dry with no rainfall other than a few drops that pretty much instantly evaporated upon hitting the ground. I think the last rain was some time before Christmas last year which would make it three months with no rain at all.
It’s been a long time without any rain and pretty dry. Not sure how much this will be but anything is better than nothing.
We did a roundtrip down the hill for pine cone collecting, fence fixing, alpaca seeing and moo encounter.
A weekend of alpaca shearing, vet attendance, fixing fences and water troughs.
Today was a sad day at Pukeatua Farmstay. We had to say goodbye to Peekie, our female Buff Orpington Duck. She was all well last night and this morning we found her in a corner of the duck run. She must have died overnight.
Spring soon will turn into summer and the weather during the day is already so awesome.
The weather has not been too amazing over the last couple of weeks.
Not that we lost winter in a hole, but the valley got so soggy over the years that we used the still good autumn weather to dig drainage in preparation for the wet winter time.