Tag: kitten

Silver with her bunch of cuties. She had 4 kittens, so extremely cute.
Silver gave birth to 3 beautiful kittens very early on Saturday morning, so yesterday was a very slow day here on our little farm after a very short night with Ms Silver’s new arrivals.
It is getting somewhat busy in the kitchen. The kittens are getting more mobile, have left their home and mom is running busily after them. It also means that you really have to watch your steps as there may be some nosy little creature crawling around between your feet.
What a surprise! Our cat Silver Shadow delivered 3 kittens today.
We had our lovely cat Kahlua with us for about 12 years, maybe a bit less however after such a long time you lose count – it feels like forever though. You get the idea. After she passed away and we were grieving for some time, we felt the urge to fill the void.