Tag: winter

First day in a long time without rainy weather, so we went down into the valley for fixing things, moving things and play things.
Crisp winter mornings are fun to watch with the fog and the clouds moving, building up and disappearing again.
The first flood this winter has arrived. Usually, we have 2 or more of those events, but this year is the first time we have been having some fun in it. After all, why not?
Rain and mild temperatures have led winter to the land. The trees have dropped their leaves and the moss started to grow. Browns and greens and the dominating colours, the red and yellows have almost gone.
Another summer has gone by and autumn came, dry and cold.
I have lost count as to what day we are in but it does not really matter at the end of the day. Life continues not necessarily as normal but almost normal. Feels a little bit like holidays at home with a bit of working in between. Late breakfasts with more cooked stuff than normal, like GF pancakes, GF waffles, fried breakfast etc.
Over the last weekend we had a delivery of Macrocarpa firewood and also got a lot of old pine out of our forest, all piled up ready to be split.
Alpaca maintenance was on the cards this week – One of our winter tasks… ‘Pedicure’ for each animal, vitamin injection and drenching.
Not that we lost winter in a hole, but the valley got so soggy over the years that we used the still good autumn weather to dig drainage in preparation for the wet winter time.
Winter seem to have finally arrived. Frosty moorings with frozen grass. The was ice on the digger seat!
The last winter has been so terribly wet and turned all paddocks into mud that we decided to have the horses in a shelter and feed them rather than having them wading through mud and effectively thrashing the paddocks.
Tatjana took a lovely picture this morning and it’s too cool not to share it. Makes you appreciate nature and our lovely spot again. And another example that mornings can be very special and energizing, even though Tatjana would not agree on that one.