Tag: moonshine

What can I say, the cats are special here. They are probably special everywhere, but I feel that we have an interesting mix of personalities. Especially Moonshine, he’s always good for entertainment.
After being rather busy over the last week before Christmas with a film crew on site and the typical “everything needs to be finished by Christmas” work frantic, we are now all truly in holiday mode.All at Pukeatua Farmstay wishing you a lovely and relaxed time and a Happy New 2021. May it bring prosperity and happiness.
The storm that was supposed to come was not too bad after all. A bit of rain that we loved very much and quite some wind with a bit of thunder and lightning. All that would have been easy to take, if it wasn’t for: Moonshine.
Silver with her bunch of cuties. She had 4 kittens, so extremely cute.