Tag: horse

Shady our little Bush Pegasus has peacefully crossed the rainbow bridge today. We are so glad he was able to go gracefully and peacefully with all of us and his best mate Rusty by his side.
Apart from the usual winter farm activities, there has not been much exciting stuff happening. It’s been a typical winter with lots of rain, lots of mud but rather warm in comparison. It looks like nature has decided that it is spring.
The weather has turned from somewhat wet and warm to rather wet and cold. The horses have been rugged up just like the goats. The rodent infestation has become noticeable, so we started putting up more traps on top of the traps and bait stations we already had.
It’s been rather wet, foggy and cold in the last couple of days. The cats spent more time inside and expressing a form of cabin fever when awake but they are mostly asleep.The horses are asking for more food, the chickens are hiding in their house and the ducks – well, the ducks are in their element.
The seasons are changing. Summer went and Easter and Autumn came around. We have been starting to prepare for winter to come.
The first days of summer greeted with a mixed bag of weather. The first day was coldish and still wet with quite some wind. But that all eased down on the second day which turned into a nice, dry and hot summer day featuring blue sky and green grass.
Who likes the weather when it’s raining and storming outside? No one – well, maybe the odd people that are happy that their grass is growing, like us humans inside. Oh, and the ducks! The ducks love it.
A video a friend made in summer two years ago. The horse shelter was still under construction at that time. The flightover shows our alpacas in the lower paddock and gives an impression of our lovely hillside spot.
It’s been a long time we had some cute calfies arriving here. Yesterday was the day 3x cute new calfies arriving. They walked down the driveway into the shelter and are now happily mixing and mingling with the horses.
Most animals stick to electric fences – our alpacas do not.
The early spring mornings here are foggy and cold but beautiful.
Another storm has been announced last night, so early this morning we finished the horse shelter area and moved the two boys over so they are going to have a more comfortable place during the day when the weather closes in.