Tag: flowers

The warm and humid weather produced lovely field mushrooms to be harvested. Earlier we harvested basil, limes and potatoes.
Even on rainy days you can find a lot of beauty outside when you decide to battle the elements and get outside.
It’s so nice to get outside between rain break. The weather has been warming up over the the last days and we are getting 20 deg during the day.
Nothing much really has happened over the last few weeks and hence our updates have been rather sparse. One thing did happen however: Think it really turned spring.
Another summer has gone by and autumn came, dry and cold.
Spring soon will turn into summer and the weather during the day is already so awesome.
Although summer is officially over, it almost feels like spring. Flowers in the garden and in the paddocks, raspberries, and chillies are ripening.
I have been listening to that cow in distress now since yesterday afternoon, all night through and had a walk down the valley this morning to make sure it wasn’t ours.