New critters have arrived

Two weeks ago two new furry furies have arrived and settled in quite well.

The newcomers are two Nigerian Dwarf Goats, born on 24th August, so they are still babies.

Two baby goats in a shelter
Twi and La in their

Our 2 little baby goats are called Muddy Twi and Muddy La. They love bouncing around in their paddock and up onto the things in their playground.

We have been them two houses in the currently unsused calf for the still cold nights. Once they are bigger they can go outside and we'll transfer the houses outside, too.

The work also involved “goat-proofing” the fences and gates. Seems to be still work in progress as they decided to just jump the 90cm high fences.

Gild sitting on a wooden fence around a tin shed with two plywood catches inside
Goat shelter
Baby goats in front of a fence with a number of alpacas lining up behind the fence staring at the goats
Alpaca inspection committee

All the other animals had to get used to those strange newcomers. The cats needed more than two weeks to get close to them – they were just plain terrified.

The alpacas were just typical alpacas – nosy as – and were lining up to check out the goats.

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